Professional Master of Project and Heritage/UFRJ


Coordinator:      Professor Margaret Lica Chokyu

Vice-coordinator:  Professor Virgínia Maria Nogueira de Vasconcellos

The Professional Master's course in Architectural Project and Heritage, from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FAU / UFRJ), aims at training Masters, at a strictu-sensu level, enabling them to respond to the complex challenges of the 21st century about the need to interpret, record and intervene in the cultural heritage built in the expanded field of architecture.

The Professional Master's in Project and Patrimony at UFRJ was rated 4 (four) by CAPES in 2017 - the highest level of evaluation among professional postgraduate courses in architecture, in the master's category.


  • Projects for the preservation and revitalization of the built cultural heritage, including buildings and urban environments, with an interest in revitalization, through the proposition of new uses and new architectural forms;
  • Restoration projects for the built cultural heritage, including buildings and urban environments of cultural interest;
  • Management and sustainability projects of the built cultural heritage, with an interest in preservation or revitalization
  • Development of forms of representation of projects and other documents related to the object of intervention, aiming at restoration, preservation, or revitalization actions;
  •  Research and development of techniques for the conservation and restoration of the built heritage, including buildings and urban environments.

CURRENT STAFF OF THE Professional Master in Architectural Project and Heritage

    Focus Area: Project and Cultural Heritage

For more information on professors CLICK HERE

===== Permanent Professors:

Benvinda de Jesus Ferreira Ribeiro, Prof. EBA UFRJ

Ceça Guimaraens, Prof. FAU UFRJ

Cláudia Carvalho Nóbrega, Prof. FAU UFRJ

Claudio Antonio Santos Lima Carlos, Prof. DAU UFRRJ

Fabiola do Valle Zonno, Prof. FAU UFRJ

Juliana Silva Pavan, Prof. FAU UFRJ

Margaret Lica Chokyu, Prof. FAU UFRJ

Maria Angela Dias, Prof. Emérita FAU UFRJ

Monica Bahia Schlee, Prefeitura RJ

Jorge Garro Astorga, UNESA RJ

Rafael Barcellos dos Santos, Prof. FAU UFRJ

Rogério Goldfeld Cardeman, CAU RJ

Rosina Trevisan Martins Ribeiro, Prof. FAU UFRJ

Vera Regina Tangari, Prof. FAU UFRJ

Virgínia Vasconcellos, Prof. EBA UFRJ

===== Collaborating Professors:

Claudia Suely Rodrigues de Carvalho, Prof. "Casa de Rui Barbosa"

Marcos Martinez Silvoso, Prof. FAU UFRJ

===== Researchers:

Jackeline de Macedo, archaeologist

Renato Alves e Silva, ETU-UFRJ

Vivian Karla Castelo Branco Louback Machado Balthar, Prof. FAU UFRJ