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Professional Master of Project and Heritage/UFRJ
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Research Structure
Research Projects
Estudos de Arquitetura de Museus - Arquimuseus
Ana Paula Polizzo
Andrea Queiroz Rego
Benvinda de Jesus Ferreira Ribeiro
Cláudia Suely Rodrigues Carvalho
Claudio Antonio Santos Lima Carlos
Elias Rust Barcelos Souza
Ethel Pinheiro Santana
Fabiola do Valle Zonno
Gabriel de Souza Parreira
Lais Bronstein Passaro
Marcos Martinez Silvoso
Maria Júlia de Oliveira Santos
Mônica Bahia Schlee
Rosina Trevisan M. Ribeiro
Thiago Melo Grabois
Vera Regina Tângari
Virgínia M. N. de Vasconcellos
Scholarly Article
Project, Management and Sustainability of Heritage
Revitalization and Restoration Project
Sustainability and project
Coordinated by professor Virginia Vasconcellos. The "Project and Sustainability Research" allows the sharing of character production: [1] Scientific (theoretical-conceptual), welcoming students from [1] Academic Master and Doctorate and [2] Practical, attending students of Professional Master. In its scientific aspect [1], it aims to: develop studies that raise, analyze, understand, interpret, critically evaluate concepts, attributes, and situations of use, occupation, preservation, requalification, rehabilitation, and reintegration of cultural heritage. Under this goal, it provides for studie...
Landscape architecture: morphological and environmental aspects
This project is linked to the Culture, Landscape, and Built Environment research lines and the PROARQ-FAU / UFRJ Revitalization and Restoration Project and seeks to consolidate the knowledge produced by the SEL-RJ group - Research Group on Open Space Systems in Rio de Janeiro, linked to the CNPq Group - Quality of Place and Landscape. It aims to research the interfaces between the disciplinary fields that influence the landscape configuration, with emphasis on its morphological and environmental structure. It is applied to the study of the processes that explain the morphology of the city...
Project, Planning and Landscape
Coordinated by professor Andrea Rego, this research aims to study how social representations continuously build and transform landscapes, in particular: urban planning and design; the design and construction of large architectural objects and the design and construction of works of art. In a specific way, it dedicates to the study of the construction of the landscape through discourse and form (construction of ideals and the imagery); planning as a cultural idealization and as a justification for investment vectors; informal manifestations as opposed to formal planning and teaching as a w...
Documentation, inventories and information systems for the preservation of the heritage built in Brazil
Coordinated by professor Claudia Nobrega. The project proposes the elaboration of a methodology for specific research procedures and techniques applied to the collection of data on the heritage built in Brazil, with an emphasis on research on buildings and historic sites in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Among the objectives of this research project, the following stand out: collecting and organizing data obtained from primary and secondary sources on the properties studied; contribute to the permanent updating of the History of Architecture in Brazil: provide data for projects and works for the ...
The goods integrated in the cultural architectural heritage in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro
Coordinated by professor Claudia Nobrega. The goods called "integrated" as the term itself suggests are those linked to the built surface - internal or external. They establish relationships with the architectural composition of dimensions, proportions, location and treatment. This category includes tiles, stained glass, portals, carvings, altarpieces, ceilings, murals and other goods. They must not be removed because they radically alter the internal space and shape, breaking with the unity of the architectural work. The main objective of this research project is to provide subsidies for acti...
The importance of cultural spaces for the requalification of urban centers
Project coordinated by Professor Maria da Conceição (Ceça) Guimaraens. Its research of concepts and critical content related to the renovation of historic centers from the requalification of museums and cultural center buildings.
Between art, architecture and landscape: theory and criticism of contemporary complexity
Coordinated by professor Fabíola Zonno. The research investigates two movements currently underway: the reinvention of architectural and artistic practices through experimental actions in an expanded field; and the reinvention of the landscape through aesthetic creations that are founded on it as site-specific works, works that build their meanings based on the relationship with the context in which they are inserted. "Complexity" is a key concept for a multidimensional approach to these contemporary phenomena, as it describes a fabric formed by multiple "lines" that are intertwined and const...
Observatory of Urban Conservation
The research seeks to monitor and evaluate urban conservation initiatives, as well as their respective impacts on urban, building, economic and social contexts in Brazilian cities where it is applied. It uses the city of Rio de Janeiro as a reference and the results obtained in more than thirty areas protected by the city hall, through the urban instrument called Area of Protection of the Cultural Environment (APAC), used in the last thirty years for the specific purpose of urban conservation. The research aims to contribute to new subsidies for the current stage of debates on the theme,...
Plan for the Preventive Conservation of Built Heritage
The research aims to establish theoretical and methodological support for the implementation of preventive conservation plans for the built heritage, based on the attribution of values and the state of conservation; to contribute to the improvement of projects, contracting and execution of interventions for architectural preservation, combining the needs of conservation of the work for the future with the needs of its enjoyment and functioning in the present....
Diagnostic Techniques and Building Materials for the Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage
This project seeks, through the use of experimental diagnostic techniques and the development and experimentation of materials, to provide subsidies for the elaboration of Architectural Heritage Conservation and Restoration projects. Through the development of the project, it is expected to provide information of great interest on the history of buildings, notably on the context of their construction, materials, and construction techniques employed. Such set of information has great documentary and scientific value and should be auxiliary material for technical support in actions for the conse...
Impacts of urban legislation on the landscape and built environments in the city of Rio de Janeiro
The present project is a development of the researches carried out since 2004 on the influence of Urban Legislation in the transformation of the landscape in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The method used by the present project is based on the analysis criteria developed in the Master's and Doctorate works completed in 2010 and 2014 respectively and is linked to research by the Rio de Janeiro Free Spaces System Group (SEL / RJ) coordinated by Professor Dra. Vera Regina Tângari.The expansion of large real estate corporations in the 2000s culminated in an increase in interest in large residential ...
Digital modeling techniques applied to Architectural Heritage
This project, coordinated by professor Jorge Astorga from PGPP, converges to a study on the systems and techniques of modeling and understanding the built heritage in Architecture....
Revitalization and Restoration Project
Coordinated by Professor Rosina Trevisan. Development of projects to revitalize and restore the built heritage and historic areas with the theoretical basis and scientific methodology, aiming at the preservation of the heritage. Study and use of the method, techniques, and tools used in the process of generating a building or set of buildings, based on graphic hardware and software technology, applied to projects for the preservation, revitalization, or restoration of buildings and urban environments of heritage cultural heritage. Study of the application of new conservation and restoration te...
Novas Abordagens em Patrimônio
Vinculado à iniciativa global Our World Heritage, o projeto tem como objetivos: traçar um panorama sobre os esforços de conservação do patrimônio mundial a partir da Convenção do Patrimônio Mundial, estabelecida em 1972; discutir as principais convenções da UNESCO; estudar as categorias de sítios protegidos, conceitos e critérios adotados; pesquisar instrumentos e ferramentas adotados de gestão e monitoramento dos sítios; introduzir novas abordagens e interpretações....
Pesquisa e inovação em gestão e tecnologia de projetos: ênfase na construção sustentável
Essa pesquisa dá continuidade aos estudos que visam a mapear o processo de projeto das edificações. Com as novas tecnologias e práticas incentivadas pela tecnologia da informação (sites colaborativos, softwares BIM, entre outros), somadas aos desafios apresentados pelas exigências da construção sustentável e novas normas brasileiras (particularmente a NBR 15575) tornou-se necessário rever as práticas adotadas pelas instituições de forma a identificar novas formas de gerenciar o processo de projeto garantindo a qualidade da edificação....