
Conservation project that contemplates the demands of environmental comfort: a possible experience for the Center of Rio de Janeiro

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

The purpose of this work consists of a critical analysis of the results obtained by applying the conservations criteria established by the current legislation related to the conservation of modest architectures protected by the ‘Área de Conservação do Ambiente Cultural’ (APAC) of the ‘Corredor Cultural’, in the Center of Rio de Janeiro, emphasizing the environmental comfort. The research initially discusses questions related to authenticity in interventions carried out in historical buildings, supported by some of the main authors related to the theme and by the main Charters, International and National Recommendations. The work addresses the concept of lesser buildings, launched worldwide by the Venice Charter (1964) and its developments in the policies of conservation of historic neighborhoods. Then, it analyzes the evolution of the urban occupation of the city of Rio de Janeiro and the characteristic architecture of its Central area, where today the aforementioned APAC is inserted, allowing the contextualization of the site and the critical analysis of the legislation in force for the conservation of this patrimony. In the third part of this work, the main definitions and concepts related to the environmental comfort and the energy efficiency of the buildings are exposed. Finally, the research presents an intervention project in an APAC protected area of the ‘Corredor Cultural’, at the preliminary draft level, considering all the theoretical-methodological aspects addressed in the previous stages.

Keywords: Lesser buildings. Environmental comfort. Energy efficiency. 


Data de defesa: 29/09/2017


  • Claudio Antonio Santos Lima Carlos [contributor]
  • Fernanda Medeiros Calháu Soares [author]
  • Humberto Kzure-Cerquera
  • Maria Maia Porto Ottoni
  • Virgínia M. N. de Vasconcellos


  • Professional Master of Project and Heritage/UFRJ


  • Project, Management and Sustainability of Heritage