

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

Professional Master Degree Dissertation

This work’s main objective is to carry out a critical review of the regulations for the preservation of the urban historical site and the requalification of its surrounding area through a landscape design. The work proposes a view of the city as a single territory, not treating the listed area as a space excluded from the rest of the city, but considering each area with its specificity. The current legislation, a conservation plan named Portaria nº 12/86, created by IPHAN - Brazilian Federal Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage, no longer meets the demand for conservation due to the growth of the central urban area, the real estate speculation, the outdated parameters of land use, and disordered advertising, among other factors. In order to achieve this purpose, the development of the theoretical concept of urban cultural heritage was analyzed, in relation to Brazil and Europe, as well as the national and international documents for their protection and conservation. The Brazilian normative system for protected urban sites is presented as the legal context for the Portarias created and enforced by IPHAN. The methodology adopted follows IPHAN´s rules contained in the document called Normatização de Cidades Históricas - orientações para a elaboração de diretrizes e Normas de Preservação para áreas urbanas tombadas (Standardization Manual for Historic Cities), 2011, presenting: the understanding of the site and its historical conditioners; the topography; the urban references; the Architecture’s characterization; and the current trends of uses. Based on these information, the presectorization and the general directives for historical site management are defined, namely: the inclusion of permeable areas; the increment in the distance between the lot boundaries and its respective building, in order to improve the ventilation; the inclusion of green space in public and particular areas; height parameters, occupancy rate and lot size criteria differentiated for each sector; and the reduction of noise and visual pollution. Finally, a proposal is presented for the requalification of the setting, through landscape intervention in the route that links the two main accesses areas to the urban site, thus contributing to its aggrandizement.

Keywords: urban historical site; preservation regulation; Vassouras/RJ.


Data de defesa: 23/03/2017


  • Claudio Antonio Santos Lima Carlos [contributor]
  • Humberto Kzure-Cerquera
  • Isabel Rocha [contributor]
  • Keilla Cristine de Azevedo dos Passos Miranda [author]
  • Lia Motta
  • Virgínia M. N. de Vasconcellos


  • Professional Master of Project and Heritage/UFRJ


  • Project, Management and Sustainability of Heritage