Coordinated by professor Claudia Nobrega. The goods called "integrated" as the term itself suggests are those linked to the built surface - internal or external. They establish relationships with the architectural composition of dimensions, proportions, location and treatment. This category includes tiles, stained glass, portals, carvings, altarpieces, ceilings, murals and other goods. They must not be removed because they radically alter the internal space and shape, breaking with the unity of the architectural work. The main objective of this research project is to provide subsidies for actions to preserve and conserve the cultural architectural heritage of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro. In this way, the project falls within the Research Line for the Revitalization and Restoration Project of the Professional Master in Project and Heritage and the Research Line - Restoration and Management of the Heritage of the Academic Master of PROARQ / FAU / UFRJ.
Coordinated by professor Claudia Nobrega. The goods called "integrated" as the term itself suggests are those linked to the built surface - internal or external. They establish relationships with the architectural composition of dimensions, proportions, location and treatment. This category includes tiles, stained glass, portals, carvings, altarpieces, ceilings, murals and other goods. They must not be removed because they radically alter the internal space and shape, breaking with the unity of the architectural work. The main objective of this research project is to provide subsidies for actions to preserve and conserve the cultural architectural heritage of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro. In this way, the project falls within the Research Line for the Revitalization and Restoration Project of the Professional Master in Project and Heritage and the Research Line - Restoration and Management of the Heritage of the Academic Master of PROARQ / FAU / UFRJ.