
Vera Regina Tângari

Currículo Lattes | ORCID Researcher ID I Google Acadêmico


Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and assigned to the Department of Architecture Projects and professor at the Graduate Program in Architecture. She holds a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Methodist Bennett Institute (1981), a Master's in Urban Planning, with a concentration in Urban Design, from the University of Michigan (1983) and a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo (2000). She has experience in Architecture and Urbanism, with an emphasis on Landscape and Urban Design. She works mainly on the following themes: landscape, urban morphology, urban design. She coordinates research projects: Landscape Architecture and System of Free Spaces in Rio de Janeiro, linked to the CNPq Research Group Quality of Place and Landscape, of which she is vice-leader. She also participates in the CNPq Research Group: Teaching Architecture. Research associate at the Center for Sustainable Urban Development-CSUD at Columbia University. She was coordinator of the Graduate Program in Architecture-PROARQ of UFRJ (periods 2010-2011 and 2012-2013) and current coordinator of the Professional Master's Course in Project and Heritage of PROARQ-UFRJ (period 2017-2019). CNPq Productivity Scholarship (level 2) and Scientist at Nosso Estado-CNE at FAPERJ.

Scholarly Article



  • PGPP Permanent Professor (2013)


  • Professional Master of Project and Heritage/UFRJ (2013)
